Welcome to Vulcan, your favourite Julia template

This is a template that is focused on providing you with a more flexible, intuitve and just downright beautiful interface when building with Julia

# Welcome to Ifihan’s Julia template
# Designed with care, built witth wonder

Symbols and HTML entities

If you want a dollar sign you have to escape it like so: $, you can also use html entities like so: → or π or, if you're using Juno for instance, you can use \pi[TAB] to insert the symbol as is: π (it will be converted to a html entity)

If you want to show a backslash, just use it like so: \ ; if you want to force a line break, use a \\ like so (this is on a new line).

Footnotes are nice too:

This is the text for the first footnote, you can style all this looking at .fndef elements; note that the whole footnote definition is expected to be on the same line

Basic Franklin Extensions


It is sometimes useful to have a short way to make a part of the page belong to a div so that it can be styled separately.

LaTeX and Maths

Definitions can be introduced in the page or in the config.md (in which case they're available everywhere).